
Empyrean 5e names
Empyrean 5e names

empyrean 5e names empyrean 5e names

Hypothetically, an empyrean might use Bolt to shut down a spellcaster who could cast spells that bypassed its immunities and resistances.

empyrean 5e names

Thanks to its Intelligence of 21, it knows, automatically, exactly which type of damage will harm its targets the most. Its ranged Bolt attack, while potent, isn’t as damaging as its melee attack, and it will use this attack-which has the ridiculous range of 600 feet-only to strike at a distance against opponents whom it can’t yet engage in melee with. Generally, then, the empyrean will favor the direct approach to dealing with its enemies: charge, bash, repeat. It’s not afraid to mix it up with you-even if it should be, you being a master of the world and all. It also has advantage on saving throws against magic. It’s immune-not resistant, immune-to physical damage from nonmagical weapons, and its own weapon attacks are inherently magical.


A single hit from its maul can potentially kill a PC with up to 23 hp instantly. (If a 20-foot-tall god-child can’t make Posleslavny great again, who can, am I right?)Įvery one of an empyrean’s abilities is extraordinary, but with beyond-extraordinary Strength and Constitution of 30, it’s a brute to rule all brutes. These depraved empyreans end up exiled to the material plane, where they take over kingdoms as a hobby. But sometimes they go on a spring break bender in Tartarus or something (excuse me-Carceri), and they’re not the same when they come back. Most of them are chaotic good, residing on the plane of Arvandor, Arboria or Olympus, depending on how old-school you like your cosmology. Boss monsters on par with the most ancient dragons. If your PCs are coming face-to-face with an empyrean, they’d better either be masters of the world already or have very good health insurance coverage. And at levels 17 through 20, they’re “masters of the world,” the ones who wind up as protagonists in books by R.A. At levels 11 through 16, they’re “masters of the realm,” on whose deeds the fates of kingdoms turn. At levels 5 through 10, they’re “heroes of the realm,” regionally renowned. From level 1 to level 4, PCs are “local heroes,” saving one village at a time. ISBN 1-5607-6362-0.The fifth-edition Dungeon Master’s Guide describes four tiers of play, based on player character level.

  • ↑ James Ward and Robert Kuntz (November 1984).
  • ↑ 12.0 12.1 Wolfgang Baur and Lester Smith ().
  • ↑ 11.0 11.1 Wolfgang Baur and Lester Smith ().
  • Cordell, Ed Greenwood, Chris Sims (August 2008).
  • ↑ Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford (2014).
  • Baldur's Gate: Decent into Avernus Card Games Blood Wars References.
  • Appendix Appearances Adventures Referenced only Storm King's Thunder Surtur, a son of Annam, was part of the second generation of giantish deities, born at about the same time as Skoraeus Stonebones and Thrym. Fire giants did not enjoy leaving witnesses to their activities. Visitors had only a few seconds to prove their intentions before the fire giants attacked. Those that were not hidden were huge buildings ringing with the sounds of forges and storing weapons in preparation for the battle at the end of the world. Surtr's temples in the lands of men were hidden affairs.

    empyrean 5e names

    Fire was useful as a tool, but must be respected. The weak and impure burned, while the strong survived. Surtur taught that fire was pure, cleansing, and strong. A select few members of other races were known to have earned his approval, but they concealed their devotion to the giant lord. Nearly all of Surtur's worshipers were giants. In addition, Surtur shared the realm of Jotunheim on the layer of Ysgard with Thrym, where the Lord of the Fire Giants resided in the ancient hall of Meerrauk. In the Great Wheel cosmology it was located on the fiery second layer of the plane of Ysgard the layer was also called Muspelheim, named for Surtur's realm. In the World Tree cosmology this ever-burning realm was part of the Neutral Plane of Jotunheim and was connected by a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire. He was also known to wear iron armor that was incredibly hot. Surtur's signature weapon was a greatsword, wreathed in flame and 15 feet (4.6 meters) in length. Surtur looked like an immensely large fire giant with crackling flames in place of hair and eyebrows.

    Empyrean 5e names